Sustainability practices in childcare
It is important to take an active role in caring for the environment and contribute to a sustainable future. Some ways this can be achieved is by minimising waste, reducing energy and water consumption and using fewer toxins. Here are some ideas to ensure sustainable practices are embedded in your centre:
- Purchase only recycled paper towels and recycled toilet paper.
- Request local council to supply a green bin for garden organics.
- Purchase less paper, convert to electronic journals, email newsletters and re-use one sided paper.
- Re-use materials such as cardboard boxes, one side paper, shredded paper, bottle tops etc.
- Setup green trays in the craft area, for children to use one-sided paper, scrap paper.
- Teach and educate children on water saving (turning taps off, using half flush).
- Install a rainwater tank for water play and gardening.
- Put mechanical timers on the children’s taps.
- Add mulching to gardens to reduce water needs.
- Repair leaks.
- Use a washing line to dry clothes rather than a dryer.
- Ensure all computers, printers, photocopiers, air-cons and lights at the end of the day.
- Switch to compact, efficient globes.
- Only use airconditioner when natural ventilation is inadequate, closing doors and windows when on.
- Separate the lighting circuit for the nursery, change room and main children’s room, to turn on when necessary.
- Switch to environmentally friendly products.
- Recycling
- Gardening
- Reuse items for crafts
- Collect rainwater
- Make a compost bottle.